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Maître Christophe FABRE

Avocat au barreau de Paris

Photo de Me Christophe FABRE, avocat à PARIS
Compétences : Droit pénal des affaires, Droit commercial, des affaires et de la concurrence, Contentieux devant les juridictions européennes, Procédure civile
Barreau : Paris
Adresse : 47 RUE DE MONTREUIL 75011 PARIS

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Considerations on the Alien Tort Statute 3/3

Considerations on the Alien Tort Statute 3/3

Par Christophe FABRE le 20/06/2019
III- Unsettled issues following Kiobel Unsettled legal questions 1.1 Determining the content of a violation of the law of nations Before Sosa, federal district courts conditioned a finding of a violation of the law of nations upon conduct that was unlawful in regard of specific, universal and obligatory norms of international law. As to the content of the ... Lire la suite >
Considerations on the Alien Tort Statute 2/3

Considerations on the Alien Tort Statute 2/3

Par Christophe FABRE le 17/06/2019
II- The need for curbing the undesirables’ effects of the Statute Striking the right balance between redressing atrocious crimes & comity principles American Courts’ jurisdiction under the ATS may bring about risks of interference with other Sovereigns. By asserting jurisdiction over overseas’ violations of human rights whose perpetrators ... Lire la suite >
Considerations on the Alien Tort Statute 1/3

Considerations on the Alien Tort Statute 1/3

Par Christophe FABRE le 12/06/2019
I- The rebirth of the alien tort statute 1. Presentation of the statute 1.1 History of the Alien tort Statute The Alien Tort Statute[1] was enacted after the signing of the U.S Constitution on September 17, 1787. In 1789, the 1st Congress voted the ATS as part of the Judiciary Act. It was intended to give U.S Courts authority for trying violations of International ... Lire la suite >
Reflexions sur l'Alien Tort Statute

Reflexions sur l'Alien Tort Statute

Par Christophe FABRE le 25/05/2019
https://www.cairn.info/publications-de-Christophe-D.%20Fabre--688651.htm L'essentiel Résumé Le présent article a pour objet d'étudier comment l'interprétation d'une loi fédérale américaine, l'Alien Tort Statute (ATS) a pu peser sur les relations internationales, par affirmation d'une ... Lire la suite >
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