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Maître Frédéric CHHUM

Avocat au barreau de Paris

Photo de Me Frédéric CHHUM, avocat à PARIS
Compétences : Droit du travail et social, Procédure d'appel, Droit pénal, Procédure civile
Barreau : Paris
Adresse : 34 RUE PETRELLE 75009 PARIS

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French employment law - Health pass: can a company validly dismiss an employee who does not have a health pass?

French employment law - Health pass: can a company validly dismiss an employee who does not have a health pass?

Par Frédéric CHHUM le 30/08/2021
After being partially censored by the Constitutional Council, the law relating to the management of the health crisis (law n ° 2021-1040) was finally adopted on August 5, 2021. Establishing a vaccination obligation for caregivers and an obligation to present the health pass for access to various places and activities, this text has given rise to many ... Lire la suite >
French labour law - Health pass: what is provided for in the law of August 5th, 2021 and the implementing decrees of August 6th, 2021

French labour law - Health pass: what is provided for in the law of August 5th, 2021 and the implementing decrees of August 6th, 2021

Par Frédéric CHHUM le 27/08/2021
Law n ° 2021-1040 of August 5th, 2021 relating to the management of the health crisis, which provides in particular for the presentation of the health pass by the employees of certain establishments open to the public, and by caregivers, as of August 30, was validated by the Council. Constitutional on August 5, 2021, and was subsequently enacted on August ... Lire la suite >
French labour law - Employee made available to a foreign subsidiary: the conditions for his repatriation met on the date of his dismissal by the subsidiary (c. Cass. Opinion n ° 15014 of July 8th, 2021)

French labour law - Employee made available to a foreign subsidiary: the conditions for his repatriation met on the date of his dismissal by the subsidiary (c. Cass. Opinion n ° 15014 of July 8th, 2021)

Par Frédéric CHHUM le 31/07/2021
By an opinion delivered on July 8th, 2021, the Court of Cassation ruled on the date of application of article L. 1231-5 of the French labor code which provides for the repatriation of the employee by a parent company when he was dismissed. by the subsidiary. Indeed, the Court of Cassation is responding to a request for an opinion made on May 27th, 2021 by the ... Lire la suite >
French Labour law - Whistleblowers: nullity of the dismissal notified following the employee's denunciation of illegal acts

French Labour law - Whistleblowers: nullity of the dismissal notified following the employee's denunciation of illegal acts

Par Frédéric CHHUM le 29/07/2021
By a judgment rendered on July 7, 2021 (n ° 19-25754), the social chamber of the Court of Cassation ruled on the employee's freedom to denounce facts constituting an offense or a crime of which he would have had knowledge in the performance of his duties. A dismissal pronounced following the exercise of this right, is null. However, the employer can ... Lire la suite >
Management package for executives: earnings are taxable as a salary if they are linked to the performance of duties (Conseil d’Etat, July 13rd, 2021, n ° 428506, n ° 437498, n ° 435452)

Management package for executives: earnings are taxable as a salary if they are linked to the performance of duties (Conseil d’Etat, July 13rd, 2021, n ° 428506, n ° 437498, n ° 435452)

Par Frédéric CHHUM le 29/07/2021
In three decisions issued on July 13, 2021, the Conseil d’Etat ruled on the tax regime for gains obtained under a management package. The Conseil d’Etat has ruled that the gains from a management package are taxable as a salary, if they are linked to the performance of the duties of an employee or manager. 1) Facts Several executive-manager employees ... Lire la suite >
French Labour law - Conseil de Prud’hommes : statistics of the Paris Conseil de prud’hommes in 2020

French Labour law - Conseil de Prud’hommes : statistics of the Paris Conseil de prud’hommes in 2020

Par Frédéric CHHUM le 25/07/2021
The Paris Prud'hommes Council, made up of around 800 advisers, recorded in 2020, 10,970 referrals to the merits with a very high appeal rate, making it a much sought-after court, whose functioning is nevertheless often called into question. cause, deemed too slow, marginalized and inefficient. It is therefore interesting to review the key figures for 2020 ... Lire la suite >
French Labour law - Model - sportsman - Athlete in charge of sponsoring: presumption of employment contract and subject to social contributions of the sums collected in this capacity (cass. Civ. 2nd May 12, 2021)

French Labour law - Model - sportsman - Athlete in charge of sponsoring: presumption of employment contract and subject to social contributions of the sums collected in this capacity (cass. Civ. 2nd May 12, 2021)

Par Frédéric CHHUM le 25/07/2021
By a judgment of May 12, 2021 (n ° 19-24.610), the 2nd civil chamber of the Court of Cassation ruled on the presumption of salaried employment of high-level athletes solicited to present to the public branded products of the company Uhlsport France. The Court of Cassation considers that the direct presentation to the public of a product by an athlete on ... Lire la suite >
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