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Maître Frédéric CHHUM

Avocat au barreau de Paris

Photo de Me Frédéric CHHUM, avocat à PARIS
Compétences : Droit du travail et social, Procédure d'appel, Droit pénal, Procédure civile
Barreau : Paris
Adresse : 34 RUE PETRELLE 75009 PARIS

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French employment law : Unemployment insurance (assurance chômage) of resigning employees (salaries démissionnaires) and self-employed (indépendants) : the new rules after the decrees of July 26, 2019.

French employment law : Unemployment insurance (assurance chômage) of resigning employees (salaries démissionnaires) and self-employed (indépendants) : the new rules after the decrees of July 26, 2019.

Par Frédéric CHHUM le 23/08/2019
The law of 5 September 2018 for the freedom to choose one's professional future provides for the opening of unemployment insurance for departing employees and the creation of an allowance for the self-employed. The decree implementing this law was published in the Official Journal on July 26, 2019. This is Decree No. 2019-796 on new rights to compensation, ... Lire la suite >
French Labour law - Equality Women / Men: how to put it in place in the company? : the PowerPoint of the French Lawyers' Campus of July 3rd, 2019 - CHHUM AVOCATS (Paris, Nantes, Lille)

French Labour law - Equality Women / Men: how to put it in place in the company? : the PowerPoint of the French Lawyers' Campus of July 3rd, 2019 - CHHUM AVOCATS (Paris, Nantes, Lille)

Par Frédéric CHHUM le 23/08/2019
The Training PowerPoint can be downloaded from the pdf below. During this training on the theme of Equality Women / Men: how to put it in place in the company? intervened: Maître Frédéric CHHUM, Maître Marilou OLLIVIER, Marion SIMONE (Student Lawyer), Emmanuel LUGUET (labor inspector) and Slimane LAOUFI (Chef de Pole, Defender of ... Lire la suite >
French employment law - heart attack at work =  accident at work , despite the presence of prior symptoms from home to work (c. cass. May 29th 2019, n°18-16183)

French employment law - heart attack at work = accident at work , despite the presence of prior symptoms from home to work (c. cass. May 29th 2019, n°18-16183)

Par Frédéric CHHUM le 22/08/2019
In a decision of May 29, 2019 (n° 18-16183), the Court of Cassation ruled that an heart attack occurring on arrival in the company should be considered as an accident at work, despite the presence of prior symptoms when the journey from home to work. In the present case, an employee had died of a heart attack while he had just arrived at his place of work. ... Lire la suite >
French Employment law : the General Director of Labor gives control instructions to labor inspectors on French index of equality between women and men by CHHUM AVOCATS (Paris, Nantes, Lille)

French Employment law : the General Director of Labor gives control instructions to labor inspectors on French index of equality between women and men by CHHUM AVOCATS (Paris, Nantes, Lille)

Par Frédéric CHHUM le 22/08/2019
The goal given to labor inspectors is to examine 7,000 companies in 2019, and all enterprises with at least 50 employees by 2022. Regarding the penalties incurred, companies that have not published the index or whose score is less than 75 points risk a financial penalty, calculated on the basis of the activity income of the following whole month (R. 2242-7 ... Lire la suite >
French Employment law -  in the event of non-payment of overtime, the judicial termination (résiliation judiciaire) is justified (Paris Court of Appeal July 2nd, 2019)

French Employment law - in the event of non-payment of overtime, the judicial termination (résiliation judiciaire) is justified (Paris Court of Appeal July 2nd, 2019)

Par Frédéric CHHUM le 24/07/2019
In its decision of 2 July 2019, the Paris Court of Appeal: - Confirms the judgment of the Labor Court in that it denied Mr X of his demands relating to the moral harassment and the obligation of security of result; - Requalify Mr X's fixed-term contract of 1 August 2011 on a permanent contract; - pronounces the judicial termination of the employment contract ... Lire la suite >
French Employment / labour law - CHHUM AVOCATS (Paris, Nantes, Lille) ensures legal and judicial permanence in labor law (droit du travail) in July and August 2019.

French Employment / labour law - CHHUM AVOCATS (Paris, Nantes, Lille) ensures legal and judicial permanence in labor law (droit du travail) in July and August 2019.

Par Frédéric CHHUM le 13/07/2019
CHHUM AVOCATS ensures legal and judicial permanence in labor law (droit du travail) in July and August 2019. Frédéric CHHUM is a member of the Paris Bar Council (member du conseil de l’ordre). A lawyer from the firm CHHUM AVOCATS in Paris, Nantes or Lille, can receive you quickly, by appointment, during the months of July and August 2019, for ... Lire la suite >
Voir le profil de Me Frédéric CHHUM sur Avocat.fr