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Maître Frédéric CHHUM

Avocat au barreau de Paris

Photo de Me Frédéric CHHUM, avocat à PARIS
Compétences : Droit du travail et social, Procédure d'appel, Droit pénal, Procédure civile
Barreau : Paris
Adresse : 34 RUE PETRELLE 75009 PARIS

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French Employment law -  in the event of non-payment of overtime, the judicial termination (résiliation judiciaire) is justified (Paris Court of Appeal July 2nd, 2019)

French Employment law - in the event of non-payment of overtime, the judicial termination (résiliation judiciaire) is justified (Paris Court of Appeal July 2nd, 2019)

Par Frédéric CHHUM le 24/07/2019
In its decision of 2 July 2019, the Paris Court of Appeal: - Confirms the judgment of the Labor Court in that it denied Mr X of his demands relating to the moral harassment and the obligation of security of result; - Requalify Mr X's fixed-term contract of 1 August 2011 on a permanent contract; - pronounces the judicial termination of the employment contract ... Lire la suite >
French Employment / labour law - CHHUM AVOCATS (Paris, Nantes, Lille) ensures legal and judicial permanence in labor law (droit du travail) in July and August 2019.

French Employment / labour law - CHHUM AVOCATS (Paris, Nantes, Lille) ensures legal and judicial permanence in labor law (droit du travail) in July and August 2019.

Par Frédéric CHHUM le 13/07/2019
CHHUM AVOCATS ensures legal and judicial permanence in labor law (droit du travail) in July and August 2019. Frédéric CHHUM is a member of the Paris Bar Council (member du conseil de l’ordre). A lawyer from the firm CHHUM AVOCATS in Paris, Nantes or Lille, can receive you quickly, by appointment, during the months of July and August 2019, for ... Lire la suite >
French Employment law - Protected employees (salaries protégés) : Unlawful dismissal of a representative of a trade union section (RSS): ceiling of compensation at 30 months (C. Cass May 15th, 2019, n°18-11036)

French Employment law - Protected employees (salaries protégés) : Unlawful dismissal of a representative of a trade union section (RSS): ceiling of compensation at 30 months (C. Cass May 15th, 2019, n°18-11036)

Par Frédéric CHHUM le 12/07/2019
The Court of Cassation censored the reasoning of the appellate judges for calculating the compensation without taking into account the restriction of 30 months wages. In its decision of May 15th, 2019, the Court of Cassation states that "the union representative who does not request the continuation of the employment contract unlawfully broken is entitled ... Lire la suite >
French employment law : the draft decree on unemployment insurance (assurance chômage) available in pdf

French employment law : the draft decree on unemployment insurance (assurance chômage) available in pdf

Par Frédéric CHHUM le 11/07/2019
This decree provides in particular: - a tightening of the conditions of access to the regime; - the introduction of the degression of benefits (from the seventh month) for the highest paid employees; - a new method of calculating allowances. *** The draft decree amending unemployment insurance was published by the newspaper Le Monde. The social partners are ... Lire la suite >
French employment law - Equal pay for women and men (égalité femmes / hommes) : how to calculate the index ?

French employment law - Equal pay for women and men (égalité femmes / hommes) : how to calculate the index ?

Par Frédéric CHHUM le 04/07/2019
2) Which employees to take into account? 2.1) What does the law say? Are not taken into account in the company's workforce for indicator calculations: • The trainees ; • the holders of a professionalisation contract; • employees made available to the company by an external company; • expatriate employees; • employees absent more ... Lire la suite >
France. French Employment Law – Rupture conventionnelle : compliance of the social and tax system with the allowances paid to employees aged 62 eligible for a retirement pension (c. cass. June 13rd, 2019)

France. French Employment Law – Rupture conventionnelle : compliance of the social and tax system with the allowances paid to employees aged 62 eligible for a retirement pension (c. cass. June 13rd, 2019)

Par Frédéric CHHUM le 04/07/2019
The articles L 242-1 of the CSS and 80 duodecies of the CGI, reserve the exemption, partly of their amount, of social contributions and income tax of the indemnities paid on the occasion of the conventional break of the contract of work In the event that the employee is not entitled to a retirement pension from a legally compulsory scheme, they are based on ... Lire la suite >
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