The Paris Industrial Tribunal has nearly 800 industrial tribunal advisers.

In 2024, it recorded 11,175 referrals on the merits.

1) Referrals on the merits (procédures au fond)

After a decrease in the number of referrals on the merits in 2022, the Paris Industrial Tribunal recorded an increase in its referrals in 2023, then in 2024.

Indeed, 9,721 referrals on the merits were recorded in 2022, while this figure rose to 10,354 in 2023, then to 11,175 in 2024.

The management section, with 5,325 referrals, is the most frequently referred to the Paris Industrial Tribunal, followed by the commercial section, which was referred 3,218 times.

The Paris Industrial Tribunal observed an upward trend in referrals on the merits between 2022 and 2024, with a predominance of the management and commercial sections.

2) Cases concluded on the merits (affaires terminées au fond)

In 2023, 9,275 cases were completed on the merits, a figure that increased slightly to 9,771 cases in 2024.

More generally, between 2016 and 2020, an average of 13,321 cases were completed annually, while this average fell to 10,238 cases per year between 2019 and 2024.

This slowdown can partly be explained by the impact of the covid-19 pandemic which heavily impacted the functioning of justice, particularly in 2020, a year when only 8,629 cases were completed.

In 2024, of the 9,771 cases concluded on the merits, 1,576 were extinguished at the conciliation stage before the conciliation and orientation office, 5,600 resulted in a substantive judgment, and 2,595 were closed for other reasons.

It should be noted that the use of amicable settlements, in particular through a conciliation report (in application of article L1235-1 of the Labor Code), has seen a significant increase (Cf. Our article Prud’hommes: the advantages of conciliating through the conciliation scale).

In particular, the industry section recorded a much higher number of conciliations in BCO compared to the other sections, with the exception of the agriculture section, which also showed a significant improvement.

These statistics highlight a trend towards increasing amicable resolution of disputes, particularly through conciliation, and a slight recovery in the number of cases concluded after the pandemic.

3) Summary proceedings.

Summary proceedings have been increasing since 2022, both in terms of referrals and concluded cases.

In 2023, the Paris Industrial Tribunal recorded 1,511 referrals for interim relief, a figure that increased slightly to 1,572 in 2024.

With regard to completed cases, 1,499 were closed in 2023, and 1,539 in 2024.

These data indicate an upward trend in interim relief applications, reflecting an increase in requests for urgent or interim measures.

4) Cases in stock.

At the end of 2024, the Paris Industrial Tribunal had 15,979 cases in stock, i.e. awaiting judgment, including 7,021 falling under the Supervision section.

This figure marks an increase compared to 2023, when 14,900 cases were pending.

However, the increase in backlogs seems directly linked to the increase in referrals, highlighting increasing pressure on the processing of cases.

5) Procedural delays.

After a sharp increase in the duration of procedures in 2020, mainly due to the Covid-19 pandemic, reaching 20.5 months on average, delays have gradually decreased.

In 2022, the average duration of procedures was 17.5 months, then it decreased further to 17.1 months in 2023, reaching 16.8 months in 2024.

These statistics demonstrate a continued reduction in procedural delays, signaling a recovery in efficiency after the health crisis.


Conseil de prud’hommes de Paris

Prud’hommes : les avantages à concilier par le barème de conciliation

Frédéric CHHUM avocat et ancien membre du conseil de l’ordre des avocats de Paris (mandat 2019-2021)

CHHUM AVOCATS (Paris, Nantes, Lille)


.Paris: 34 rue Petrelle 75009 Paris tel: 0142560300

.Nantes: 41, Quai de la Fosse 44000 Nantes tel: 0228442644

.Lille: : 45, Rue Saint Etienne 59000 Lille – Ligne directe +(33)