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French labour law - Judicial termination (luxury sector): rejection of a request by ERES for the lifting of a seizure order carried out within the limit of the provisional execution by law (Paris TJ August 29th, 2024).

French labour law - Judicial termination (luxury sector): rejection of a request by ERES for the lifting of a seizure order carried out within the limit of the provisional execution by law (Paris TJ August 29th, 2024).

Par Frédéric CHHUM le 09/09/2024
# seizure by order # provisional execution # industrial tribunal dispute # severance pay In an unprecedented judgment (RG 24/80803) of August 29, 2024, the JEX (Enforcement Judge) of the Paris Judicial Court considered that in execution of a judgment which pronounced the judicial termination of the employment contract of a director, the company Eres had to pay ... Lire la suite >
Contestation d’une décision de préemption par le bénéficiaire d’une promesse de vente : l’absence de mention du nom de l’acquéreur évincé dans la DIA ne lui interdit pas de contester la décision de préemption.

Contestation d’une décision de préemption par le bénéficiaire d’une promesse de vente : l’absence de mention du nom de l’acquéreur évincé dans la DIA ne lui interdit pas de contester la décision de préemption.

Par Ronan BLANQUET le 09/09/2024
Dans son arrêt du 29 mai 2024, n°489337, le Conseil d’Etat a censuré l’ordonnance n°2308430 du 27 octobre 2023 rendue par le juge des référés du tribunal administratif de Versailles, rejetant une demande de suspension d’une décision de préemption. La haute juridiction administrative y ... Lire la suite >
French labour law - Luxury sector – self-employed: reclassification of a self-employed Sales Director of CAHU as an employee employment contract and dismissal without cause (CPH Paris May 29, 2024, non-def.)

French labour law - Luxury sector – self-employed: reclassification of a self-employed Sales Director of CAHU as an employee employment contract and dismissal without cause (CPH Paris May 29, 2024, non-def.)

Par Frédéric CHHUM le 08/09/2024 - 1 commentaire
In a judgment of May 29, 2024 (RG 23/00381), the Paris industrial tribunal reclassified a self-employed contract of Sales Director / saleswoman of CAHU as an employee employment contract. It ruled that the termination amounted to a dismissal without cause. The employee appealed the judgment. I) THE FACTS Ms. X was hired under the status of self-employed by the ... Lire la suite >
French labour law - Sexist and sexual behavior - Sexually explicit, insulting and degrading remarks towards two female employees = justified dismissal (cass. soc. 12 June 2024, no. 23-14.292)

French labour law - Sexist and sexual behavior - Sexually explicit, insulting and degrading remarks towards two female employees = justified dismissal (cass. soc. 12 June 2024, no. 23-14.292)

Par Frédéric CHHUM le 08/09/2024
An employee who repeatedly makes sexually explicit, insulting and degrading remarks towards two of his female colleagues, which is likely to characterize, whatever the previous attitude of the employer who is bound by a safety obligation in terms of protecting the health and safety of workers, commits wrongful behavior constituting a real and serious cause ... Lire la suite >
French labour law - Luxury sector - Non-payment of overtime and non-compliance with the safety obligation = dismissal without cause of an executive assistant of Rituals Cosmetics France (CPH Paris 4/06/2024)

French labour law - Luxury sector - Non-payment of overtime and non-compliance with the safety obligation = dismissal without cause of an executive assistant of Rituals Cosmetics France (CPH Paris 4/06/2024)

Par Frédéric CHHUM le 08/09/2024
The parties did not appeal the tie-breaking judgment. The executive assistant of Rituals Cosmetics acknowledged the termination for non-payment of overtime, non-compliance with daily and weekly working hours, non-compliance with rest periods, non-compliance with the safety obligation. The deciding judge rules that the acknowledgment produces the effects of ... Lire la suite >
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