In a decision of February 12th, 2025 (RG 21/03924), the Paris Court of Appeal ruled that pressure to force an employee responsible for transport and logistics to negotiate a departure constituted moral harassment.

The employee produced an audio recording of the interview of 25 September 2019, from which it emerged that the employer had stated his intention to terminate her employment contract, indicating that there were no other solutions and that the employer could "do what he wanted at home", as well as an email of 3 October 2019 in which she accepted the termination.

The Paris Court of Appeal therefore ruled that the dismissal for repeated absences, resulting from this moral harassment, was null and void.

He awarded the employee 3,000 euros for moral harassment.

In addition, the employee obtained compensation of 14,000 euros for null dismissal.

To read the full brief, click on the link below

Frédéric CHHUM avocat et ancien membre du conseil de l’ordre des avocats de Paris (mandat 2019-2021)

CHHUM AVOCATS (Paris, Nantes, Lille)


.Paris: 34 rue Petrelle 75009 Paris tel: 0142560300

.Nantes: 41, Quai de la Fosse 44000 Nantes tel: 0228442644

.Lille: : 45, Rue Saint Etienne 59000 Lille – Ligne directe +(33)