This Template agreement is intended for companies and unions that wish to set up Collective Mutual Agreed Termination (CMAT) [Rupture conventionelle collective] in accordance with Articles L.1237-19 and following of French Labour Code.

It is however specified that it is a standardized template which imperatively needs to be adapted to the peculiarities of each company and the targets pursued.

Collective Mutual Agreed Termination (CMAT): Template collective agreement for (...)

NB: The agreement creating the CMAT is a majority collective agreement signed by representative unions that obtained at least 50% of the votes at the last employee’s elections (Article 40, III, Ordinance 2017-1387 of 22 Sep. 2017)

The validly concluded agreement must then be approved by the territorially competent DIRECCTE (Director of regional companies, competition, consumption, labor and employment/ Directions régionales des entreprises, de la concurrence, de la consommation, du travail et de l'emploi),.

No deadline is provided for the transmission of the agreement for approval but the employer has every interest to act as soon as possible as in the absence of approval by DIRECCTE, the agreement cannot take effect.

Template collective agreement on CMAT.

(Articles L. 1237-19 and following of French Labour Code)

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