To challenge the validity of the mutual agreed termination, in addition to the moral harassment, the employee must establish that its consent was vitiated when signing the convention of mutual agreed termination (rupture conventionnelle).

Error, fraud or violence can vitiate consent (Article 1130 of the French Civil Code)

This is the first time that the Court of Cassation has given such a solution.

This solution is severe for the employee.

This goes in the direction of the constant policy of the Court of Cassation to lock in Mutual agreed termination (Rupture conventionnelle).

Of course, in case of conclusion of a mutual agreed termination, employees can however claim before the labour court (conseil de prud’hommes) the sums related to the execution of their employment contract and ask for reminders of wages, bonuses, overtime (heures supplémentaires), work concealed (travail dissimulé), moral harassment, etc.

To read all the Article – Click on the link below

Source:  Court of Cassation website

c. cass. January 23rd, 2019, No. 17-21.550

Frédéric CHHUM, Avocats à la Cour (Paris, Nantes, Lille)

Membre du Conseil de l’ordre des avocats de Paris

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