CHHUM AVOCATS defends in particular employees, executives, intermittent entertainment workers, journalists, executives, celebrities, influencers.

We also plead throughout France (Labor Court, Court of Appeal, Tribunal correctionnel, TGI).

1) Paris

CHHUM AVOCATS pleads before the Courts of Appeal (Paris, Versailles, etc.), before all the industrial tribunals of Ile de France (Paris, Melun, Meaux, Fontainebleau, Auxerre, Sens, Creteil, Bobigny, Evry) and throughout France (Lyon, Marseille, Lille, etc.).

CHHUM AVOCATS also pleads before the TASS, the Tribunal de Grande Instance and the Tribunal correctionnel.

2) Nantes

CHHUM AVOCATS Paris, lawyers in labor law and labor criminal law, has a secondary office in Nantes

The office is located at 41, Quai de la Fosse in Nantes (opposite the Courthouse).

3) Lille

CHHUM AVOCATS Paris, lawyers in labor law and labor criminal law, has a secondary office in Lille since 1 March 2019.

The office is located at 25, rue Gounod in Lille.


In 2018, CHHUM AVOCATS law office (Paris, Nantes and Lille) obtained the following case law before the industrial tribunal (conseil de prud’hommes) or the court of appeal (court d’appel).

1) Discriminatory dismissal (licenciement discriminatoire)

1.1) Discriminatory dismissal due to the state of health of an employee of an advertising agency:

The Conseil de prud'hommes considered that Ms. X, legal representative, was discriminated against because of her state of health and that the company breached its obligation to protect the physical and mental health of the employee.

The Conseil de prud’hommes condemns the PUBLICIS group to the payment of the sum of 162,000 euros for dismissal null, damages and interests for discrimination related to the state of health (état de santé), damages and interests for violation of the obligation security result (Paris Conseil de prud'hommes, July 27th , 2018).,29995.html#dD7Wd3DmDbHD6CsM.99-

1.2) Discriminatory dismissal due to the state of health (état de santé):

The Labor Conseil de prud’hommes of Nanterre considered that Mrs X, management control, was discriminated against because of her state of health (état de santé). For this purpose, the Board condemns the Company SEDIVER to the payment of the sum of 26,200 euros as damages and interest for dismissal null following a discriminatory harassment (Labor conseil de prud’hommes of Nanterre, May 4th, 2018).

2) Requalification of CDDU on CDI (intermittent entertainment, journalists, temporary workers, wage-earning employees)

2.1) Requalification of CDDU on permanent contract and dismissal without cause

The Court of Appeal of Paris requalifie the 32 years of CDDU in CDI of a director of religious emissions of FRANCE TELEVISIONS full time and the rupture of the collaboration is considered without cause; the latter obtains 213,000 euros gross (Court of Appeal of Paris (pole 6 - room 6), November 28, 2018, judgment not final).,30151.html

2.2) Requalification of CDDU on permanent contract and dismissal without cause

In three ”départage” decisions, the Labor Boulogne-Billancourt’Conseil de prud’hommes has requalified the 5 years of CDDU of 3 TF1 TV editors on CDI and the termination of their collaboration is considered without cause.,29610.html

2.3) Requalification of CDDU on permanent contract and dismissal without cause

The Court of Appeal reclassifies the 20 years of CDDU on CDI of a director of full-time FRANCE TELEVISIONS trailers and the break of the collaboration is considered without cause, the latter obtains 127,000 euros gross (Paris Court of Appeal (pole 6 - chamber 4) September 12th, 2018, RG 16/12201).,29436.html#PGdOHGCIRbt6HHwU.99

2.4) Requalification of CDDU on permanent contract and dismissal without cause:

The Court of Appeal reclassified the 500 CDDUs (17 years) as providing intermittent production assistance on a permanent contract and the breakdown of the collaboration was considered without cause. She also obtains a reminder of overtime (Paris Court of Appeal, June 27, 2018).,29088.html#zJ1PDxfPDL7DLBFg.99


3) Saisie attribution : validation of a “saisie attribution” of an intermittent spectacle to execute a industrial judgment (jugement du conseil de prud’hommes)

The Court of Appeal of Paris validated the seizure-attribution of Mr. X to execute an industrial judgment on the ground that it was regularly notified by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to the company and the minutes of the seizure of April 19, 2017.

The Court of Appeal condemns the company BO Travail ! to the full costs of appeal and pay Mr. X the sum of 4,000 euros on the basis of Article 700 of the Code of Civil Procedure (Paris Court of Appeal, September 20, 2018).,29554.html#lEdLwYFdT2SjVOAC.99-

4) Payroll: obtaining the payment of overtime on appeal from the labor courts following the signing of a conventional break

The Paris Court of Appeal recalls the jurisdiction of the Labor Court in respect of wage-earning and thus gives the employee of ABC PORTAGE a reminder of overtime of 5,977.39 euros gross as reminders of overtime and 597.73 euros as related paid leave (Paris Court of Appeal, May 24th, 2018, RG 17/13902, final).

5) Discrimination (lack of career development) and refusal of promotion (referred to Article 145 of the CPC)

The Conseil de prud'hommes orders FRANCE TELEVISIONS to provide a journalist with a deputy editor's report with documents on career development and pay slips for the last 3 years and December of each year since hired 19 of his salaried colleagues (Labor Court of Paris, départage April 6th, 2018).,29113.html#TkCeZe5sURkCA1eD.99

6) Inaptitude and appointment of a medical expert in summary proceedings

The Paris Court of Appeals held that the taking of an act of rupture of 16 August 2017 of his employment contract by Mr. X, employee of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, does not affect the request for designation (by the CDC) of a medical expert in summary filed on July 20, 2017 (Paris Court of Appeal, Pole 6 - Chamber 2, June 21st, 2018).


7) Requalification of a dismissal for real and serious cause of dismissal without real and serious cause of a sommelier

The Labor Court of Paris considers that the dismissal of Mr. X is based on no real and serious cause. As a result, the Board condemns LAVINIA to pay the sum of 8,000 to Mr. X as termination indemnity without real and serious cause (Paris Conseil de Prud'hommes, April 6th, 2017)


Frédéric CHHUM, Avocats à la Cour et membre du conseil de l’ordre des avocats de Paris

e-mail :!/fchhum

.Paris: 4 rue Bayard 75008 Paris tel: 0142560300

.Nantes: 41, Quai de la Fosse 44000 Nantes tel: 0228442644

.Lille: 25, rue Gounod 59000 Lille tel: 0320135083