2.1) The Equality Index: 2 years after the Avenir Law of September 5, 2018

By Law No. 2018-771 of September 5, 2018, Parliament, on a proposal from the Ministry of Labor, introduced the Equality Index, made up of five indicators that companies must measure and whose results they must publish [ [Law n ° 2018-771 of September 5, 2018: https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/jorf/id/JORFTEXT000037367660/.]]

On this index, you can reread our various articles:

. Gender equality: companies with more than 250 employees must publish their index on September 1, 2019! https://www.village-justice.com/articles/egalite-femmes-hommes-les-entreprises-251-1000-salaries-doivent-publier-leur,32191.html

. Gender equality: details on the index provided by the decree of April 29, 2019.


. Equal pay for women / men: how to calculate the index? https://www.village-justice.com/articles/egalite-salaire-femmes-hommes-comment-calculer-index,30749.html

. Gender equality index: the PowerPoint of CHHUM AVOCATS (Paris, Nantes, Lille) of the Campus des lawyers du Barreau de Paris of July 3, 2019


. Gender equality: why is the index a biased tool?


. Employees, managers: Gender equality: the 10 new rights of women and / or men resulting from the law of August 4, 2014


The purpose of this measure was to encourage companies to pursue the objective of greater equality between women and men in the workplace.

The first results have also already been published [[Index Egalité Femme-Homme: [[https://index-egapro.travail.gouv.fr/consulter-index


Among the indicators taken into account is precisely the pay gap between women and men. To obtain a maximum number of points, the company must reduce this difference to 0.

As a result, regarding the consequences of the arrival of a child, the law also requires companies to measure the number of increased employees upon their return from maternity leave.

In December 2020, the Minister of Labor, Madame Elisabeth Borne, announced that she intended to expand this system by adding a new indicator on the proportion of women in senior executives [[Gender equality: a new criterion for senior executives, on 04.10.2020, Guillaume de Calignon, Les Echos: https://www.lesechos.fr/economie-france/social/egalite-hommes-femmes-un-nouveau-critere-pour-les-plus-gros-salaires]].

The methods for calculating this indicator will be determined by the social partners during the related negotiations.

As these indicators are intended to counter the statistics presented above, it will be necessary to take an interest in these same measurement elements on the occasion of the next annual publications of this study.

The establishment of the Index may have paid off by then.

To read all the article, please click on the link below


Frédéric CHHUM avocat et membre du conseil de l’ordre des avocats de Paris (mandat 2019-2021)

Claire Chardès juriste

CHHUM AVOCATS (Paris, Nantes, Lille)

e-mail: chhum@chhum-avocats.com



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